Case Study: How FumeKiller® Improved Air Quality in a Welding Shop

In the industrial sector, maintaining air quality is a critical concern, especially in environments where hazardous fumes are prevalent. Welding shops, in particular, face significant challenges due to the production of toxic fumes and particulates during welding processes. Poor air quality not only poses health risks to workers but also affects overall operational efficiency. This case study explores how Powertech Pollution Controls’ FumeKiller® significantly improved air quality in a welding shop, enhancing both worker safety and productivity.

The client, a medium-sized welding shop specializing in the fabrication of automotive components, was grappling with severe air quality issues. The shop employed over 30 welders who worked in close proximity to each other, increasing the risk of exposure to harmful fumes. The management had received numerous complaints from employees about respiratory problems, eye irritation, and overall discomfort.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the team from Powertech Pollution Controls completed a comprehensive study of the application and it was decided that the FumeKiller®, due to its advanced technology, superior filtration capabilities, and proven track record in similar industrial settings, would be used as welding fume extractor to provide a solution for the issue.

The FumeKiller® is an electrostatic fume extraction system designed to capture and neutralize welding fumes at the source. It utilizes a combination of mechanical filtration and electrostatic precipitation to remove even the finest particulates and gaseous pollutants from the air. The system is equipped with high-efficiency filters that trap large particles, while the electrostatic precipitator charges and collects smaller particles, ensuring comprehensive air purification.

The entire system was designed such that each welding station would be equipped with a single portable FumeKiller® unit, which would be equipped with a flexible extractor arm to ensure that the fume extraction hood was placed as close as possible, ideally within 8 – 10 inches, from the fume generation point. This system would ensure that the FumeKiller® could be repositioned at any point of time in case the welding station is moved to a different location.

Within weeks of installation, the welding shop began to experience noticeable improvements in air quality. The FumeKiller® effectively captured and removed welding fumes, significantly reducing the concentration of airborne pollutants. Workers reported a marked decrease in respiratory issues and eye irritation, and overall comfort levels improved. The improved air quality also contributed to a more pleasant and productive working environment, boosting employee morale and satisfaction.

In addition to health benefits, the FumeKiller® provided substantial operational advantages. The reduction in airborne particulates minimized equipment malfunctions and maintenance requirements, leading to lower operational costs and increased efficiency

Moreover, the FumeKiller®’s advanced filtration system ensured that the welding shop complied with stringent environmental and safety regulations. By maintaining air quality standards, the shop avoided potential fines and legal issues, reinforcing its commitment to worker safety and environmental responsibility.

The success of the FumeKiller® as a portable welding fume extractor underscored the importance of investing in high-quality air pollution control solutions. The positive impact of the installed welding fume extractors in this welding shop serves as a compelling example for other industrial facilities facing similar air quality challenges. It demonstrates that with the right technology and expert support, it is possible to create a cleaner, safer, and more efficient work environment. For more information about the FumeKiller® and other air pollution control solutions, visit our product page or contact us today.

Top Trends in Air Pollution Control Technology in 2024

As industries continue to prioritize sustainability and worker safety, the demand for advanced air pollution control technology is on the rise. In 2024, several key trends are shaping the future of air pollution control, making it more efficient, effective, and eco-friendly. Here, we explore the top trends in air pollution control technology and how they are transforming industries worldwide.

  1. Advanced Fume Extraction Systems:

Fume extraction systems are essential for maintaining air quality in environments where harmful fumes are generated, such as welding and soldering operations. In 2024, we see significant advancements in these systems, focusing on higher efficiency and user-friendly designs. Modern fume extractors are now equipped with real-time monitoring and automatic adjustment features that ensure optimal performance, even in varying conditions. Powertech Pollution Controls’ FumeKiller® is at the forefront of this trend, offering state-of-the-art solutions for fume extraction across various industries.

  • Enhanced Dust Collection Systems:

Dust collectors play a crucial role in maintaining a clean and safe working environment, especially in industries like manufacturing, food production, and pharmaceuticals. The latest dust collection systems are designed with improved filtration technologies that capture even the finest dust particles. In 2024, there is a shift towards self-cleaning and maintenance-free dust collectors, such as the DustBag® Reverse-Pulsed-Jet from Powertech Pollution Controls. These systems not only enhance efficiency but also reduce downtime and maintenance costs.

  • Sophisticated Mist Collection Systems:

CNC machining and other processes that generate mist require effective mist collection systems to ensure a safe and clean workplace. The trend in 2024 is towards centrifugal mist collectors that offer higher efficiency and reliability. The MistKiller from Powertech Pollution Controls exemplifies this trend, providing powerful mist extraction solutions that effectively handle water-based coolant mist, ensuring a healthier work environment.

  • Integration of IoT and Smart Technologies:

The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and other smart technologies into air pollution control systems is revolutionizing the industry. These innovations enable real-time monitoring, data collection, and remote management of air pollution control equipment. IoT-enabled systems provide insights into performance metrics, alerting operators to potential issues before they escalate. Powertech Pollution Controls is committed to research on incorporating smart technology into their fume extraction systems, dust collectors and mist collectors, ensuring optimal performance and proactive maintenance.

  • Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Solutions:

Sustainability is a major focus in 2024, with industries seeking eco-friendly air pollution control solutions that reduce their environmental footprint. This trend includes the development of energy-efficient systems that use less power while delivering superior performance. Powertech Pollution Controls is committed to creating sustainable solutions that not only comply with environmental regulations but also contribute to a greener world.

  • Custom-Built Solutions:

Every industry and application has unique air pollution control requirements. The trend towards custom-built solutions is gaining momentum in 2024, as businesses recognize the benefits of tailored systems that address their specific needs. Powertech Pollution Controls excels in providing custom-designed fume extraction systems, dust collection systems, and mist collection systems that meet the exact requirements of each client, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Focus on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ):

Improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become a priority for many industries, recognizing the impact of air quality on employee health and productivity. Advanced air pollution control technologies are being developed to specifically target and enhance IAQ. Powertech Pollution Controls’ comprehensive range of products, including fume extractors, dust collectors, and mist collectors, are designed to significantly improve IAQ, providing a healthier working environment.


The landscape of air pollution control technology is evolving rapidly, driven by advancements in efficiency, smart technology integration, sustainability, and custom solutions. Companies like Powertech Pollution Controls are at the forefront of these trends, offering innovative and effective solutions to meet the diverse needs of various industries. As we move further into 2024, staying informed about these trends will be crucial for businesses looking to maintain a safe, compliant, and productive work environment. For more information on how Powertech Pollution Controls can help you stay ahead with the latest air pollution control technologies, contact us today.

Top Advantages of Using Fume Extraction Systems

The industrial landscape is teeming with processes that emit fumes, from welding and soldering to laser cutting and chemical processing. These fumes are not just a nuisance; they pose significant health risks and contribute to environmental pollution. As a result, there is an ever-growing emphasis on air pollution control in industrial environments. One of the most effective solutions to this challenge is the implementation of fume extraction systems. In this blog post, we will delve into the top advantages of using fume extraction systems, with a focus on their varied applications such as welding fume extractors and soldering fume extractors.

  • Enhanced Worker Health and Safety: The most significant advantage of using a fume extractor is the protection it offers to workers’ health. Fume extraction systems are designed to capture a wide array of hazardous particles and gases at the source, preventing them from entering the breathing zones of employees. This is critical in welding applications where a welding fume extractor can significantly reduce the exposure to harmful substances like manganese, nickel, and chromium, which are known carcinogens.
  • Compliance with Health and Safety Regulations: Adhering to occupational health and safety regulations is not just ethical but also a legal requirement. Fume extraction systems help businesses comply with strict air quality standards set by various health and safety organizations. By doing so, companies can avoid costly fines and legal issues while demonstrating their commitment to providing a safe workplace.
  • Improvement in Air Quality: Air pollution control is not just about the air outside; it’s also about maintaining the quality of indoor air. Fume extractors play a crucial role in filtering out toxic particles and gases, thereby improving the overall air quality within the facility. This is essential not only for health reasons but also for maintaining product quality, as contaminants in the air can affect manufacturing processes.
  • Increased Productivity: When employees are healthy and work in a comfortable environment, their productivity naturally increases. Fume extraction systems contribute to creating a cleaner, safer, and more pleasant working environment, which can lead to enhanced performance and reduced downtime due to health-related absences.
  • Long-term Cost Savings: Investing in a high-quality fume extraction system can lead to substantial long-term cost savings. By maintaining a cleaner working environment, companies can save on health care costs, avoid productivity losses, and extend the lifespan of their equipment. Moreover, such systems can prevent the accumulation of combustible dust, which poses a significant fire risk.
  • Versatility in Applications: Modern fume extraction systems come in various designs to suit different applications. For instance, a soldering fume extractor might be compact and designed to be placed on a workbench, whereas a welding fume extractor may be larger and more robust to handle the intense fumes from welding operations. This versatility ensures that businesses can find a solution that fits their specific needs.
  • Energy Efficiency: Many fume extraction systems are designed with energy efficiency in mind. By using energy-efficient motors and smart systems that adjust the extraction rate based on the volume of fumes produced, businesses can minimize their energy consumption. This not only reduces costs but also supports sustainability efforts.
  • Protection of Equipment: Fumes and particulate matter can damage sensitive machinery and electronic components. By removing these airborne contaminants, fume extraction systems can prolong the life of equipment, which can be particularly crucial in high-tech industries where precision and reliability are paramount.
  • Reduction of Environmental Impact: Fume extraction systems don’t just protect people and products; they also play a role in environmental protection. By capturing harmful emissions before they can be released into the atmosphere, these systems contribute to reducing a company’s carbon footprint and promoting cleaner manufacturing processes.

The implementation of fume extraction systems presents a multitude of advantages for any industry where air quality is a concern. From protecting worker health to ensuring compliance with regulations, and from increasing productivity to saving on long-term costs, the benefits are clear. Whether it’s a welding fume extractor for heavy-duty applications or a soldering fume extractor for precision work, there is a fume extraction solution out there that can significantly improve both the working environment and the bottom line. Investing in such systems is not just a regulatory necessity; it’s a strategic decision that can lead to a healthier, more productive, and more sustainable business.

Individual Soldering Fume Extractors for Single Soldering Stations

Even though the number of individual hand soldering or dip tinning stations are several in any assembly floor, many users prefer to use individual fume extractors for each station. This is for maximum flexibility during re-organising the stations according to the requirement of the day. The soldering station can be located elsewhere along with its dedicated fume extractor.

For individual soldering stations where relatively smaller components are soldered, we suggest the use of our Fumekiller® electrostatic soldering fume extractor model FK250 single pass filtration unit or the recommended FK250DP, dual pass fitration unit to be placed below the soldering station table. To capture the soldering fumes during soldering, we suggest the use of our self-balanced segmented extractor mini arm fitted to the edge of the table opposite to the operator seat.

The segmented self-balanced mini arm can be positioned as close as 3 to 4 inches from the fume generation spot to optimise the capture of fumes as well as operator comfort. During soldering the fumes are captured by the mini arm and routed to the Fumekiller® unit. Suction is provided using a low noise, high efficiency suction fan in the Fumekiller® unit.

Soldering fumes consists of fine particulates such as lead, flux, carbon, etc which are trapped in the Electrostatic filter modules and the clean air is released through the exhaust port.

For soldering of relatively larger components, possibly with multiple soldering spots such as larger PCBs, we suggest the use of a specially designed small SS booth with in-built lighting and an exhaust port on top of the booth. Here there is no requirement of the mini arm for capture of fumes. The exhaust port is connected to the Fumekiller® unit using PVC flexible hose.

The soldering is carried out within the booth confines. The fumes are sucked through the exhaust port and the particulates are filtered by the Fumekiller® unit.

Please note that the above are arrangements for soldering fume extraction using individual fume extractors each dedicated to a single soldering station.

Fume Working

Understanding the Mechanics of the FumeKiller® Fume Extractor

Understanding the Mechanics of the FumeKiller® Fume Extractor

In today’s industrial landscape, where the importance of clean and safe working environments is paramount, investing in efficient air pollution control equipment like a quality fume extractor is not just an option but a necessity. The Fume Extractor unit designed and developed by Powertech Pollution Controls and marketed under the brand of FumeKiller®, stands out as an exemplar in this domain, designed to safeguard the health of employees and ensure optimum operational efficiency in diverse industrial settings.

How Does the FumeKiller® Work?

The FumeKiller®, a top-of-the-line welding fume extractor and soldering fume extractor, that operates on the straightforward yet effective principle of electrostatic precipitation. Each unit is equipped with electrostatic filtration modules for filtration of air that passes through. The filter modules are 2-stage electrostatic filters, where the first stage consists of parallel plates that are charged at a voltage of 10kV and the second stage consists of plates that are alternatively charged (positive and negative) at 5kV. When any kind of fumes, smoke, mist, or dust passes through the FumeKiller®, the particulate matter is charged with a heavy positive charge in the first stage. When passing through the second stage of filtration, the positively charged particles stick on the to the negatively charged plates after which the filtered air is let out from the outlet.

The FumeKiller® extracts the contaminated air from the workplace, purifying it from harmful fumes and particles and then releasing clean air back into the environment. This cycle ensures the consistent maintenance of a wholesome working atmosphere, protecting workers from potential health hazards associated with prolonged exposure to industrial fumes and contributing significantly to air pollution control.

Advantages of using the FumeKiller®:

As a fume extractor, what sets the FumeKiller® apart from the regular mechanical filters is the pressure difference. Mechanical filters require more pressure difference to be created on either side of the filter to ensure effective filtration of the fume or dust particles. On the other hand, the FumeKiller® units do not have any blockage on the path of the air flowing through it, which directly implies that the pressure difference is significantly lower. Because of this, the FumeKiller® units also boast a significant reduction in the power consumption for their operation.

The FumeKiller® has a high-efficiency of filtration, effectively filtering over 90 – 95% of fume or dust particles that pass through it. In particular, the device’s efficiency in dealing with welding and soldering fumes, marks it as an invaluable asset for industries engaged in these operations.

The Significance of Investing in a Quality Fume Extractor

Why should industries prioritize incorporating a fume extractor like the FumeKiller into their operations? Beyond ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety standards, a high-quality fume extractor plays a pivotal role in protecting the well-being and productivity of employees. By mitigating exposure to harmful fumes, businesses can reduce health-related absenteeism and medical expenses, ensuring a more productive, healthier, and more satisfied workforce.

The FumeKiller® Fume Extractor: A Step Towards Optimal Air Pollution Control

In a world where industries are increasingly held accountable for their environmental footprint, investing in a quality welding fume extractor or soldering fume extractor like the FumeKiller® is a progressive step. The device’s efficiency in purifying air aligns with global efforts towards better air quality, showcasing a company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and the welfare of its employees.